Pet Space Australia


Seller Rules

What are the Pet Policies?

These policies adhere to RSPCA principles.

The PetSpaceAustralia Pets section serves to assist the community in finding safe, nurturing homes for pets. All advertisements placed in the PetSpaceAustralia Pets section must align with the PetSpaceAustralia Pets Code Of Practice.

For guidance on responsible pet ownership, please refer to our PetSpaceAustralia Guide to Responsible Pet Ownership.

The PetSpaceAustralia Pets section does NOT aim to facilitate uncontrolled or irresponsible breeding, commercial pet trading (such as puppy or kitten farms), or the trading of animals for fighting or stud services. Any ads flagged for promoting such activities will be promptly removed. Users are accountable for adhering to PetSpaceAustralia’s policies regarding adopting, purchasing, or selling a pet and posting an ad on PetSpaceAustralia.

PetSpaceAustralia is a community-oriented platform, and we rely on your input to maintain a friendly and secure environment. We see you the community as the guardians of the site, ensuring that undesirable elements are kept at bay. Therefore, each ad features a “Report ad” button. You can utilize this button to report ads that you believe endorse uncontrolled/unsafe/unethical/irresponsible breeding practices, and we will investigate accordingly.

In our ongoing dedication to animal welfare, animal rights, and responsible pet ownership, we have established the following regulations in the Pets category on PetSpaceAustralia:

At Pet Space Australia, we advocate for responsible pet ownership and adhere to RSPCA principles in crafting our policies.

Our platform serves as a resource for the community to find safe and nurturing homes for pets. All listings in the Pet Space Australia Pets section must adhere to our Pets Code Of Practice, ensuring the welfare of animals.

For guidance on responsible pet ownership, please consult our PetSpaceAustralia Guide to Responsible Pet Ownership.

It’s crucial to note that the PetSpaceAustralia Pets section is not a platform for uncontrolled or irresponsible breeding, nor for commercial pet trading such as puppy or kitten farms. We strictly prohibit the trading of animals for fighting or stud services. Any ads found promoting such activities will be promptly removed. Users are expected to comply with our policies when adopting, purchasing, or selling a pet on PetSpaceAustralia.

PetSpaceAustralia values community input in maintaining a safe and friendly environment. We rely on our users to help uphold these standards by reporting any ads promoting uncontrolled, unsafe, or unethical breeding practices.

In alignment with our commitment to animal welfare and responsible pet ownership, we have established the following regulations within the Pets category on PetSpaceAustralia:

1. Mandatory Vet Checks and Microchipping: We encourage all pet owners to have their animals checked by a vet, vaccinated, and microchipped before listing them on our platform. Microchipping documentation should be provided to the buyer. This is essential in ensuring the welfare of animals and supporting responsible trading practices.

2. Insertion Fee and Listing Duration: To support responsible trading and animal welfare, we have implemented a mandatory insertion fee across all pets and animal listings. The fee varies depending on the pet category and market demand. Lost pets can be posted in the Lost & Found section for free. Animal shelters and rescue organisations can also list for free. Listings remain active for 30 days.

3. Mandatory Information in Advertisements: Advertisements must include essential information such as vaccination status, desexed status, health status, breeder registration number (if applicable), sex, and expected adult size of the animal. All ads must also include an accurate date of birth for the animal.

4. Minimum Age Requirements: Animals must meet minimum age requirements before they can be sold or made available for adoption. These requirements vary depending on the species and are strictly enforced to ensure the welfare of animals.

5. Breed Restrictions: Certain breeds of dogs and cats are prohibited from being advertised on PetSpaceAustralia. This includes breeds associated with aggressive behaviour or commercial security purposes.

6. Breeder Responsibilities: Breeders registered with a breeder association must include their association details in their ad descriptions. Additionally, breeders should provide their government registration/license/permit details where applicable.

7. State/Territory-Specific Policies: We acknowledge the diverse regulations across different states and territories regarding pet trading. Users are responsible for understanding and complying with their local laws when posting ads on PetSpaceAustralia.

By adhering to these policies, we aim to promote responsible pet ownership, protect animal welfare, and foster a safe and supportive community environment on PetSpaceAustralia.

Policies for all community members:

Pet Space Australia encourages all pet owners to have their animals checked with a vet, vaccinated, and microchipped before they are advertised on Pet Space Australia. All pets must be microchipped, and microchipping documentation should be provided to the buyer. Microchipping is required in most States and Territories, please see the following for further information:

To better protect animal welfare and support responsible trading under our Pet Space Australia Pets Code of Practice, Pet Space Australia has a mandatory insertion fee across all pets and animal listings. The insertion fee will vary depending on the category of pet and the supply and demand of those categories. To help reunite lost pets with their owners, users will be able to post animals within the Lost & Found section for free. Animal shelters and rescue organizations will also be able to list for free.

The insertion fee can be paid using a credit card or PayPal. After paying the insertion fee, your ad will appear on Pet Space Australia for 30 days. At the end of the 30-day period, you will have the option to re-list it payable at the same rate.

In accordance with RSPCA guidelines, the following information must be included in the description of your advertisement:

Vaccination status: vaccinated or unvaccinated

Desexed status: desexed or entire

Health Status: has the animal undergone a veterinary check in the last 12 months? (Yes or No)

Breeder Registration Number (or similar identification): This requirement varies in different jurisdictions (for example, some jurisdictions have a mandatory dog breeder register). If unsure, you should check with the relevant local authority.

Sex: male or female

Expected Adult Size: very small, small, medium, large, or very large

All ads must include an accurate date of birth for the animal. Animals must be of a certain age before they can be sold or made available for adoption, as they must be self-sufficient – i.e. they must be able to feed themselves independently. Please find below our policy as to the minimum required age a specific animal must be before it can be sold or made available for adoption. We strictly enforce these policies as part of our commitment to animal welfare. You can post your ad before the minimum required age as long as you ensure to include the date the animal will be available for adoption/rehoming/sale in your ad description. If the attribute corresponding to the date of birth is not otherwise included in the process of creating your ad, please ensure it is accurately and clearly described in your ad description.

Minimum required age:

Cats and Dogs: must be at least 8 weeks old. Unborn puppies and kittens are not permitted to be posted

Rabbits: must be at least 8 weeks old

Guinea Pigs, Mice, and Rats: must be at least 4 weeks old

Birds: must be fully weaned

Ferrets: must be at least 10 weeks old

Frequency of breeding should be based on veterinary advice. Breeding females should not be made to breed more than once in a 12-month period; this is considered unhealthy

The following breeds of dog cannot be advertised on Pet Space Australia:

Pit Bull Terriers;

American Pit Bull Terriers;

Dogo Argentino (Argentinian fighting dogs);

Fila Brasileiro (Brazilian fighting dogs);

Japanese Tosas;

Perro de Presa Canario

Dogs that have been declared as a dangerous dog under any state law or regulatory guidance; and

Dogs used or intended to be used as commercial security dogs

The following breed of Cats cannot be advertised on Pet Space Australia:

Munchkin Cats

Breeders should allow potential buyers to visit the place where the animal was bred to meet the mother animal (and father, if that is possible).

Additional policies for breeders registered with a breeder association:

Breeders must include the breeder association they are registered with in their ad description and should provide their membership details to buyers.

Breeders should provide their government registration/license/permit details to buyers, where this applies in their State/local council area. Requirements can vary between States/regions.

Additionally, you should check with your local council, State regulatory body, and any other relevant industry groups for any specific policies, rules, and/or regulations about the sale of pets in your State. We have set out below a non-exhaustive list of policies that may apply in some States and Territories.

State/Territory-specific policies (non-exhaustive):


From 1 July 2019, any person or business who is advertising to sell or give away a dog or cat must be enrolled on the Pet Exchange Register. From 1 July 2019, It is a legal and site requirement that all dogs and cats advertised in Victoria have a microchip number and source number generated by the Pet Exchange Register as outlined by Animal Welfare Victoria Each full microchip number and the source number for your cat or dog must be included in the ad, with one number in the microchip field and the remainder in the sell your item field.

Buyers and adopters are strongly encouraged to verify the source number on dog and cat ads on the

 Pet Exchange Register before purchasing/adopting the pet.

Advertising Koi Fish is prohibited by law in VIC and cannot be advertised in VIC locations on Pet Space Australia.


It is a legal and site requirement that all dogs advertised in Queensland born after or on 26 May 2017 must be registered with the Queensland Dog Breeder Register and their Supply Number must be included in the ad description, unless they are subject to one of the exemptions. Please refer to the Queensland Dog Breeder Register for more information about supply numbers and exemptions here. Please note that Pet Space Australia does not verify the Supply Number posted in the ad and strongly encourages potential buyers to confirm the accuracy of the Supply Number using the Queensland Dog Breeder Register before purchasing a dog. Please also double-check whether your dog may be exempt from the requirement for a Supply Number. If you have any questions about the Queensland laws, contact the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries here.

Advertising rabbits is prohibited by law in QLD and cannot be advertised in QLD locations on Pet Space Australia.

In QLD there are penalties for keeping and selling certain native wildlife without the required license or paperwork, which includes many birds, and some amphibians, reptiles, and invertebrates. It is the seller’s responsibility to ensure they have the required license or paperwork to sell these kinds of native wildlife on Pet Space Australia, and the seller must provide this information if requested by Pet Space Australia (or by a relevant government agency). If either the seller or buyer does not hold the necessary licenses or paperwork, the buyer should not proceed with the purchase. Please see the following link for more information:


From 1 July 2019 in NSW, it is a legal and site requirement that all users advertising dogs and cats for sale or give away must include the following details in their ad description.

a microchip number for each pet advertised (one in the microchip field and the remainder in the sell your item feed); and

a breeder identification number; and

a rehoming organisation number.

If you advertise a cat or dog for sale in NSW from 1 July 2019 and don’t use an identification number, or you falsify a number, penalties may apply. If you are looking to buy a cat or dog in NSW, search the NSW Pet Registry to see the information on the animal listed for sale. For more information on the new rules in NSW, visit

Advertising reptiles (turtles, snakes, crocodiles, and lizards) and amphibians (toads and frogs) is prohibited by law in NSW. The Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment clearly state that you are not allowed to advertise to buy or sell animals, except in the newsletters of the reptile or frog keeper associations to which you personally belong. Reptiles and amphibians cannot be advertised in NSW locations on Pet Space Australia.


In South Australia, if you advertise a cat or dog you must include your Breeder Registration Number (BRN), as well as your name and phone number, in your ad description.

In addition, it is a legal and site requirement that all sellers in South Australia must include in their advertisements for dogs and cats:

the identity of the seller (full name, address, phone number);

the identity of the breeder (full name, address, phone number, and dealer registration number);

the vaccinations that the dog or cat has had and details of any other veterinary treatment received;

whether the dog or cat has been microchipped, and if it has, the details of the person who performed the procedure (name and address), the date of the procedure, the microchip number, and the register that the dog or cat’s microchip number is synced with, or details of a relevant exemption that applies to the dog or cat; and

whether the dog or cat has been desexed, and if it has, the details of the veterinary surgeon who performed the procedure (name and business address), the date of the procedure, the age of the dog or cat at the time of the procedure, and the nature of the procedure, or details of a relevant exemption that applies to the dog or cat.


All cats that are 6 months of age or older must be microchipped, desexed, and registered with the local government. Cats cannot be sold or transferred to a new owner until they are desexed, and a microchip is implanted, regardless of age (unless a vet has issued an exemption on the grounds of negative impacts on the cat’s health and welfare). Kittens that have not been desexed may be transferred to a new owner if a pre-paid voucher is provided to the purchaser. A microchip must always be implanted before the sale of a kitten regardless of age.

All dogs must be microchipped and registered with the local government once they reach 3 months of age. Non-microchipped dogs cannot be sold or transferred to a new owner (regardless of the age of the dog), except that dogs may be exempt from receiving a microchip if they cannot receive one on medical grounds. The owner will need to hold a medical exemption certificate from a registered vet.


Under the Domestic Animals Act 2000, all ads to sell cats or dogs must include a breeder’s license number and this number must be included in your ad. There are offenses for both breeding without a license and publishing an ad without breeder’s license. For more information on the new rules in ACT, visit

In ACT, the keeping and selling of pythons, ferrets, many birds, and some lizard species (known as “non-exempt animals”) require a license under the Nature Conservation Act 2014, the details of which must be included in the ad on Pet Space Australia when selling these species. Please see the following link for more information:


From 1 March 2022, the owner of a cat that is more than four months of age must ensure that the cat is desexed and microchipped by a veterinary surgeon. Exceptions do apply.

Any cat that is to be sold or given away must be:

At least eight weeks old

Desexed (or a certificate has been issued under s14(2) by a veterinary surgeon or the cat is being sold to a registered breeder or a person holding a Cat Breeding Permit for that specific cat).

Microchipped (or a certificate has been issued under s12(2) by a veterinary surgeon).

Meets the prescribed health requirements (i.e., includes a health check and vaccination by veterinary surgeon, and treated for internal and external parasites). For more information, visit

It is the responsibility of the advertiser to ensure that their advertisement adheres to Pet Space Australia Posting Policies as well as applicable laws. It is also a condition of your use

Policies for ALL sellers:

Pet Space Australia encourages all pet owners to have their animals checked with a vet, vaccinated and microchipped before they are advertised on Pet Space Australia

If you are selling a microchipped pet, microchipping documentation should be provided to the buyer. Microchipping is currently required in all States/Territories except the Northern Territory. Please see the following for further information: 

Minimum required age:

Cats and Dogs: must be at least 8 weeks old. Unborn puppies and kittens are not permitted to be posted

Rabbits: must be at least 8 weeks old

Guinea Pigs, Mice and Rats: must be at least 4 weeks old

Birds: must be fully weaned

Ferrets: must be at least 10 weeks old

In accordance with RSPCA guidelines, the following information must be included in the description of your advertisement (if it is not otherwise being provided as part of the advertisement):

Vaccination status: vaccinated or unvaccinated

Desexed status: desexed or entire

Health Status: has the animal undergone a veterinary check in the last 12 months? (Yes or No)

Breeder Registration Number (or similar identification): This requirement varies in different jurisdictions (for example, some jurisdictions have a mandatory dog breeder register). If unsure, you should check with the relevant local authority.

Sex: male or female

Expected Adult Size: very small, small, medium, large or very large                                                                                                                                                                   

To better protect animal welfare and support responsible trading under our Pet Space Australia Pets Code of Practice, Pet Space Australia will be testing a mandatory insertion fee across all pets and animal listings from 1 July 2020. The insertion fee will vary depending on the Pets category.

The insertion fee can be paid using a credit card or PayPal. After paying the insertion fee, your ad will appear on Pet Space Australia for 30 days. At the end of the 30-day period, you will have the option to re-list it.

All ads must include an accurate date of birth for the animal. Animals must be of a certain age before they can be sold or made available for adoption, as they must be self-sufficient – i.e. they must be able to feed themselves, independently. Please find below our policy as to the minimum required age a specific animal must be before it can be sold or made available for adoption. We strictly enforce these policies as part of our commitment to animal welfare. You can post your ad before the minimum required age as long as you ensure to include the date the animal will be available for adoption/rehoming/sale in your ad description. If the attribute corresponding to the date of birth is not otherwise included in the process of creating your ad, please ensure it is accurately and clearly described in your ad description.

Minimum required age:

Cats and Dogs: must be at least 8 weeks old. Unborn puppies and kittens are not permitted to be posted

Rabbits: must be at least 8 weeks old

Guinea Pigs, Mice and Rats: must be at least 4 weeks old

Birds: must be fully weaned

Ferrets: must be at least 10 weeks old

No holding deposits are allowed.

Frequency of breeding should be based on veterinary advice. Breeding females should not be made to breed more than once in a 12-month period; this is considered unhealthy

The following breeds of dog cannot be advertised on Pet Space Australia:

Pit Bull Terriers; 

American Pit Bull Terriers;

Dogo Argentino (Argentinian fighting dogs);

Fila Brasileiro (Brazilian fighting dogs);

Japanese Tosas;

Perro de Presa Canario;

Dogs that have been declared as a dangerous dog under any state law or regulatory guidance; and

dogs used or intended to be used as commercial security dogs.

Breeders should allow potential buyers to visit the place where the animal was bred to meet the mother animal (and father, if that is possible).

Additional policies for unregistered breeders (those who are not registered with a breeder association):

A pricing limit of $500 per pet advertised for adoption/sale applies to any unregistered breeder or private advertiser. The price must be stated in the ad’s price field. Unregistered breeders/owners are NOT permitted to use the ‘Please Contact’ price option in their pet ads.

Please note, if you have a Government-issued registration number as required by your State and you are not registered with a breeder association there is a pricing limit of $500 and the price must be included in the ad’s price field. This policy is in place because Pet Space Australia cares deeply about the codes of practice for responsible breeding and the current Government breeder registrations do not regulate these standards.

Additional policies for breeders registered with a breeder association:

Breeders must include the breeder association they are registered with in their ad description and should provide their membership details to buyers.

Breeders should provide their government registration/licence/permit details to buyers, where this applies in their State/local council area. Requirements can vary between States/regions.

You must also comply with all federal and State laws. We have specifically listed in our pets policies any applicable State laws (as below), but please be advised this is not an exhaustive list of the laws and regulations that apply in your State. It is your responsibility to ensure that your ad complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

Additionally, you can check with your local council, State regulatory body and any other relevant industry groups for any specific policies, rules and/or regulations about the sale of pets in your State.

State-specific polices:


All cats that are 6 months of age or older must be microchipped, de-sexed and registered with the local government. Cats cannot be sold or transferred to a new owner until they are de-sexed and a microchip is implanted, regardless of age (unless a vet has issued an exemption on the grounds of negative impacts on the cat’s health and welfare). Kittens that have not been de-sexed may be transferred to a new owner if a pre-paid voucher is provided to the purchaser. A microchip must always be implanted prior to the sale of a kitten regardless of age.

All dogs must be microchipped once they reach 3 months of age. Non-microchipped dogs cannot be sold or transferred to a new owner (regardless of the age of the dog), except that dogs may be exempt from receiving a microchip if they cannot receive one on medical grounds. The owner will need to hold a medical exemption certificate from a registered vet.


In South Australia, if you advertise a cat or dog you must include your Breeder Registration Number (BRN) in your ad description.

In addition, it is a legal and site requirement that all sellers in South Australia must include in their advertisements for dogs and cats:
(1) the identity of the seller (name, address, phone number);
(2) the identity of the breeder (name, address, phone number and dealer registration number);
(3) the vaccinations that the dog or cat has had and details of any other veterinary treatment received;
(4) whether the dog or cat has been microchipped, and if it has, the details of the person who performed the procedure (name and address), the date of the procedure, the microchip number, and the register that the dog or cat’s microchip number is synced with, or details of a relevant exemption that applies to the dog or cat; and
(5) whether the dog or cat has been de-sexed, and if it has, the details of the veterinary surgeon who performed the procedure (name and business address), the date of the procedure, the age of the dog or cat at the time of the procedure and the nature of the procedure, or details of a relevant exemption that applies to the dog or cat. 


From 1 July 2019, any person or business who is advertising to sell or give away a dog or cat must be enrolled on the Pet Exchange Register. From 1 July 2019, It is a legal and site requirement that all dogs and cats advertised in Victoria have a microchip number and source number generated by the Pet Exchange Register as outlined by the Victorian Department of Primary Industries  Each full microchip number and the source number for your cat or dog must be included in the ad description.

Buyers and adopters are strongly encouraged to verify the source number on dog and cat ads on the Pet Exchange Register before purchasing/adopting the pet.


It is a legal and site requirement that all dogs advertised in Queensland born after or on 26 May 2017 must be registered with the Queensland Dog Breeder Register and their Supply Number must be included in the ad description, unless they are subject to one of the exemptions. Please refer to the Queensland Dog Breeder Register for more information about supply numbers and exemptions here. Please note that Pet Space Australia does not verify the Supply Number posted in the ad and strongly encourages potential buyers to confirm the accuracy of the Supply Number using the Queensland Dog Breeder Register before purchasing your dog. Please also double check whether your dog may be exempt from the requirement for a Supply Number. If you have any questions about the Queensland laws, contact the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries here.


From 1 July 2019 in NSW, it is a legal and site requirement that all users advertising dogs and cats for sale or give away must include the following details in their ad description. Either:

a microchip number; or

a breeder identification number; or 

a rehoming organisation number.

If you advertise a cat or dog for sale in NSW from 1 July 2019 and don’t use an identification number, or you falsify a number, penalties may apply. If you are looking to buy a cat or dog in NSW, search the NSW Pet Registry to see the information on the animal listed for sale. For more information on the new rules in NSW, visit

Advertising reptiles (turtles, snakes, crocodiles and lizards) and amphibians (toads and frogs) is prohibited by law in NSW. Department of Planning, Industry and Environment clearly state that you are not allowed to advertise to buy or sell animals, except in the newsletters of the reptile or frog keeper associations to which you personally belong. Reptiles and amphibians cannot be advertised in NSW locations on Pet Space Australia.


Under the Domestic Animals Act 2000, all ads to sell cats or dogs must include a breeder’s license number and this number must be included in your ad. There are offences for both breeding without a license and publishing an ad without breeder’s license. For more information on the new rules in ACT, visit

In ACT, the keeping and selling of pythons, ferrets, many birds and some lizard species (known as “non-exempt animals”) requires a licence under the Nature Conservation Act 2014, the details of which must be included in the ad on Pet Space Australia when selling these species. Please see the following link for more information:


Under the Cat Management Act 2009, all cats that are over 6 months of age must be de-sexed unless an exemption under section 14(2) applies (e.g. a veterinary surgeon has issued a certificate stating that to desex the cat may adversely affect the health and welfare of the cat).

Section 15 of the Cat Management Act 2009 states a person must not sell a cat unless the cat is de-sexed and microchipped, (unless an exemption for either requirement under section 15 of the Act applies).

Ensure your advertisement isn’t breaching any applicable laws. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to ensure that their advertisement adheres to Pet Space Rules as well as applicable laws. It is a condition of your use of Pet Space Australia, specified under our Terms of Use, that you will not violate any laws.

Platform Usage Agreement

Before proceeding with using the Platform or registering an Account, you must thoroughly review this Agreement. For your convenience and understanding, here’s a general summary of your key obligations:

(a) Accurate Descriptions – Consumer Laws: When creating Listings, you must ensure they contain accurate, comprehensive, and non-misleading information. Consumers, including those purchasing second-hand goods, have rights and guarantees under Consumer Laws that cannot be excluded in Listings. Therefore, Providers must transparently disclose any defects or deficiencies in Goods or Services to avoid misrepresenting their condition or quality.

(b) Fair Work – Employment Laws: Employers and Workers must adhere to Employment Laws, as outlined in clause 8 and the Posting Policies, concerning all Jobs. Employers are responsible for understanding their obligations under Employment Laws and assume full accountability for compliance and any resulting liability for non-compliance. Workers should be aware of their Employment Law rights, as detailed in the Tips for Staying Safe in the Jobs Category for Job Seekers.

(c) Your Privacy – Privacy Laws: We take our privacy obligations seriously, in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Privacy Laws. While you hold an Account on the Platform or as long as we reasonably deem it necessary for operational, legal, or other legitimate business purposes, we may collect and store data about your Platform usage.

(d) Risks and Online Safety: Purchasing goods online involves inherent risks that, unfortunately, cannot be entirely eliminated. Never disclose your bank details or other financial information over the internet. Always inspect items in person whenever possible, seeking professional guidance where necessary, especially for Cars. Some Goods and Services carry unique risks and usage instructions, which you must acknowledge and adhere to.

(e) Community Conduct: The Platform must not be used for any unlawful purposes, and all interactions with other Users and PetSpaceAustralia Personnel must be respectful and courteous. Upholding the rules outlined in this Agreement, including our Posting Policies, is vital for maintaining a safe, convenient, and beneficial Platform for all Users.

(f) Addressing Misuse: We encourage you to report any User suspected of violating this Agreement. We reserve the right to revoke your account (or the Account of any other User involved) if we suspect a breach of this Agreement, without prior notice or liability to you. We may also issue warnings or take other appropriate actions as deemed necessary.

Community Policies:

At Pet Space Australia, we advocate for responsible pet ownership and adhere to RSPCA principles in crafting our policies.

Our platform serves as a resource for the community to find safe and nurturing homes for pets. All listings in the Pet Space Australia Pets section must adhere to our Pets Code Of Practice, ensuring the welfare of animals.

For guidance on responsible pet ownership, please consult our PetSpaceAustralia Guide to Responsible Pet Ownership.

It’s crucial to note that the PetSpaceAustralia Pets section is not a platform for uncontrolled or irresponsible breeding, nor for commercial pet trading such as puppy or kitten farms. We strictly prohibit the trading of animals for fighting or stud services. Any ads found promoting such activities will be promptly removed. Users are expected to comply with our policies when adopting, purchasing, or selling a pet on PetSpaceAustralia.

PetSpaceAustralia values community input in maintaining a safe and friendly environment. We rely on our users to help uphold these standards by utilising the “Report ad” button to flag any ads promoting uncontrolled, unsafe, or unethical breeding practices.

In alignment with our commitment to animal welfare and responsible pet ownership, we have established the following regulations within the Pets category on PetSpaceAustralia:

1. Mandatory Vet Checks and Microchipping: We encourage all pet owners to have their animals checked by a vet, vaccinated, and microchipped before listing them on our platform. Microchipping documentation should be provided to the buyer. This is essential in ensuring the welfare of animals and supporting responsible trading practices.

2. Insertion Fee and Listing Duration: To support responsible trading and animal welfare, we have implemented a mandatory insertion fee across all pets and animal listings. The fee varies depending on the pet category and market demand. Lost pets can be posted in the Lost & Found section for free. Animal shelters and rescue organisations can also list for free. Listings remain active for 30 days.

3. Mandatory Information in Advertisements: Advertisements must include essential information such as vaccination status, desexed status, health status, breeder registration number (if applicable), sex, and expected adult size of the animal. All ads must also include an accurate date of birth for the animal.

4. Minimum Age Requirements: Animals must meet minimum age requirements before they can be sold or made available for adoption. These requirements vary depending on the species and are strictly enforced to ensure the welfare of animals.

5. Breed Restrictions: Certain breeds of dogs and cats are prohibited from being advertised on PetSpaceAustralia. This includes breeds associated with aggressive behaviour or commercial security purposes.

6. Breeder Responsibilities: Breeders registered with a breeder association must include their association details in their ad descriptions. Additionally, breeders should provide their government registration/license/permit details where applicable.

7. State/Territory-Specific Policies: We acknowledge the diverse regulations across different states and territories regarding pet trading. Users are responsible for understanding and complying with their local laws when posting ads on PetSpaceAustralia.

By adhering to these policies, we aim to promote responsible pet ownership, protect animal welfare, and foster a safe and supportive community environment on PetSpaceAustralia.

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